Simple reusable Terraform modules for AWS VPC and server group

In earlier blogs, we developed simple Terraform code to create an AWS VPC and a set of three EC2 instances, intended to run some testing of the MongoDB community collection for Ansible. Here we will convert these into reusable Terraform modules, so the implementation will be more flexible to try different options without duplicating lots…

Evaluating the MongoDB Community Ansible Collection

This entry takes a high-level look at Ansible’s built-in support for provisioning and managing MongoDB. Versions of Ansible 2.9 and above support collections, which allow Ansible modules (and other objects) to be updated and versioned separately from the main Ansible release. The few modules for MongoDB that had been maintained with the Ansible distribution have…

Provision EC2 Instances for a MongoDB Cluster with Terraform

Amazon Web Services EC2 instances provide a ubiquitous platform to quickly spin up Linux servers for any purpose, including a MongoDB cluster. The HashiCorp Terraform provisioning tool makes it easy to automate build and teardown of servers in a consistent and repeatable way. This blog entry will work through simple Terraform code to build servers…

Build a Disposable AWS VPC with Terraform

Consistent with the concepts of disposable infrastructure, we want to build an isolated VPC within our existing AWS account to isolate experiments with infrastructure-as-code. Using Terraform by HashiCorp, we can build and tear down the VPC structures easily, quickly, and consistently. This base automation can make it easier to identify any AWS objects contained with…